I’m a Mediocre Minigolf Player
I’ve been on two minigolf courses in the last two weeks, and both time I played ok-ish. The two courses are Miniature Golf Florida Studen and Minigolf La Pommeraie in Delémont. Fun stuff but also really weird. I talked with a friend on it and we figured that minigolf is like a mildly bad and dissociative drug trip.
Collected Notes
- 2024-08-06
- Finally went through all the two floppy disk stashes that we have at the Gamelab in Bern. There was nothing of the extraordinary from a first glance, but I enjoyed getting the two Atari models to run.
- 2024-08-07
- I’m caring for the cassette digitizations that we did of Laro Schatzer’s TI-99/4A archive. Got myself a little python script that splits the audio recordings by silent pauses. Then discovered, that dimhoff/ti99_4a_tape_decode actually already cares about that.
- The files are partially corrupted, which I need to back-check with Ralp and Robin.
- 001_A_002: incorrect checksum when processing the file with the ti99/4a decoder
- 005_B_002: don’t know what this collection of smaller chunks is
- can’t open or process after extraction from zip: all but 001_a, 004_B, and 005_B. ffmpeg gives me a
TI_99_4A_NR-OFF_005_sideA.bwf: Invalid data found when processing input
- Documented - Added the dumps I could produce so far with a little bit of documentation to a git repo and published it as private. - 2024-08-08
- Added my notes to BASIC FTBALL and Computer Programming for All
- Discussed Observing the Coming of Age of Video Game Graphics with TH and prepared next steps and todos
- 2024-08-09
- Setup the Observing the Coming of Age of Video Game Graphics dataset repository on a dedicated machine at the DH Lab to run the complete dataset over the weekend.
- Thinking about the legality of the dataset:
- database can be licensed through ODbl
- content (screenshots) are copyrighted by makers and subject to whatever rights your license to use the game gives you and fair use/fair dealing