Log 2024 Week 20
- Finalized a proposal for Born-Digital Collections, Archives and Memory | School of Advanced Study: Preserving Situated Practices Proposal.
- My comments on doing historical research with floppy disks for an article for BBC Future got published: Obsolete, but not gone: The people who wonât give up floppy disks
- AM and I gave an interview on Confoederatio Ludens and our perspectives on video game studies to Jörg Luibl from Spielvertiefung - Magazin fĂŒr Abenteurer & Schatzsucher.
- Experimented with extracting stills from longplays. For now I use some videos I found on Youtube. The extraction is pretty straight forward with
and I made some notes under . - Discussion with DG on distant reading source code. We agree on that going for an analysis of âcontentâ (as in meaningful expressions by people) is usually done with little output. Structural approaches could be much more interesting, ie analysis software used in itsec, visualisations or stepping through runtime environments, like emulators.
- Abstracted model of how the developing entity (individual or studio) conceptualizes programming towards different focii: through habitus, as a way of honing programming or video game development skills, as an interest towards technicity, or as a means towards creating an interactive experience.
- Wrote a script for bulk extraction of stills from videos. Again, see .
- Played around with pixplot on the new ~2500 images. Not sure how to read these visualisations yet. I might need to balance how many images per game are in the set. Some games have a handful while others have more then hundred.
- I guess next to figuring out corpus saturation, the aspect of balance is crucial as well for the generation of an Assembling a Video Game Screenshots Corpus. Balance can include roughly the same amount of images per game, and having a good variety of games over time, ie diversity.