How to Access C64 Basic
- Unzip the .d64 floppy disk image
- Upload the .prg files to Commodore BASIC Program Lister
- Or, use Commodore 64 BASIC/PRG tools to convert the .prg to .bas files
- Alternatively, follow Reddit - Dive into anything to do the same within VICE
- Attach the disk image (ALT+8)
- type LOADâX2â,8 and press RETURN
- Wait for it to load, or press ALT-W to go into WARP mode and make it load a lot faster. Press ALT-W again once itâs loaded
- type RUN and press RETURN
- After the game starts, press ESC + Page Up, or the equivalent of STOP + RESTORE to break out of the program. After that, youâre dropped into basic, where you can LIST the program and see the code.
List all files on a floppy disk.
LOAD "$",8
Access Basic listing in Robox
The main Basic code is in the files RM1, RM2, RM3, and RM4.
LOAD "RM1",8,1
Ganz wichtig: Beim Ladebefehl ,8,1 verwenden und nicht ,8 weil ansonsten essentielle BASIC-Pointer nicht korrekt gesetzt werden. Etwas worĂŒber man sehr leicht stolpern kann! Die beiden POKEs setzen den Pointer auf den Startpunkt des BASIC Programms (Zero-Page Adresse $002B) auf den korrekten Wert: $1034 (Robox) anstatt $0801 (default). - (Laro Schatzer, 2024)
Print to file with VICE
According to Print C64 Program Listing To File In VICE - YouTube
- Open VICE
- Open
>Peripheral devices
>Printer settings
- Set
Emulation type
toFile system access
and checkEnable IEC device
- Close
- In the Basic prompt enter
- then enter
- and finally
- You now should have a
in your home directy