Notes from Stammtisch (round table) with Collectif Le Salon & guests, 26. Mai 2024:
- What are the conditions, that a Collectif can come into being and sustain itself?
- It can be simple ideas, but with the right approach and people, those can be exploited in a rich and fun way as well.
- The Stammtisch as a form of collective longing for community
- Tensions between individuality and artistic freedom and normalising in a collective (in materiality and organisations)
- What different forms can collectives take? How does size, scope, locality, ideals and all of those things influence shape and outcome of a collective
- Collectives as forms of communities for post-artschool-people
- Creating possibilities for serendipity and lo-key exchange
- collectives revolting against the art system and creating safe and caring spaces
- revolting against the drive to create art that sticks and stays forever, having less stress and more spontaneity, resting in the moment
- The collective is actually also just a knot in a larger rhizomatic network of people going after doing their things
- Breaking the art context through the materiality of the exhibition space, making the audience feeling at ease and at home
Iâd love to think more about this concept.