Notes from practice
- Generate story to become with place.
- At times i feel very lost and this place, this place comforts me.
- Stay in the realm of the experience. Do not superimpose a mental framework already. Follow impulses
- What ways to make the ephemeral/invisible/the in between accessible (agar plates, microphone amplifier). trust the place to be your senses
- Maybe there is no response?
- How do you handle the rejection of place?
- Whatâs your framework of interpretation for place? Whatâs the language you use to communicate with it?
- Touch is important, even when itâs unpleasantly cold and rough. Physical presence is important.
- Imagine place-ontology, being right there for decades and longer.
- My relationship to place is very personal, since i feel like all my connections to place through ancestry are cut
- be aware of the privilege to be able to practice entanglement with place