.Player1flag holds the playerâs input along %xxxFUDLR (Function, Up, Down, Left, Right). The holder is set in various places, according to the input method (joystick, keyboard)
Line 4411 loads Player1flag into register R1
LDRB R1,Player1flag
The code proceeds to check the input and reacts accordingly
Line 4413 for example compares the flag with with the pattern for the input for left and branches of to .noLeft if not.
TST R1,#%00010:CMPEQ R13,#0:BNE noleft ; LEFT ;
On Line 4430, if .Player1flag is set for left, the code also checks if Space was pressed, the input for doing an action.
CMP R14,#0:TSTEQ R1,#%10000:BNE FinishReadKey ; SPACE ; ;
If that is the case, the code continues, or branches of to .FinishReadKey.
Several things can happen: block breaks, electric fence is activated, or the block is pushed.
This routine is copied and slightly adjusted for the four directions Pengo can move.
I didnât figure out yet, how a blockâs rule come into play at this point
Game Loop
Initiated at the label .Loooop at line 74, which then branches of into .MainGameand .MainGame1
All the python files that make up the game have 3233 lines of code together.
Input Flow
Input control is provided by pygame via pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) which can be a joystick or d-pad (or simulated d-pad)
Directions are checked from lines 809-835.
Inputs, like directions or specific keys, are managed in an instance of the Key class from constants.py
Game Loop
Initiated through while running on line 776, which checks then all the states the game is in and acts accordingly in one single loop