

4th Feb 2023: My dear friend Daniel and I visited a fallow nearby, also discussed the term and it’s meaning in different languages. The German Brache is applicable quite extensively, whereas English and French need different words for what Brache can deliver. I am in awe, by how a Brache negates productivity and capitalism, by merely existing. There is philosophical value to be found here.

Located at 47.137399 latitude, 7.253128 longitude.

20230204_102035_0420 20230204_102146_2060 20230204_102256_9500 20230204_102400_9190 20230204_102428_8960 20230204_102532_1930 20230204_102623_7940 20230204_102643_4860 20230204_102859_2380 20230204_102926_2000 20230204_103021_6390 20230204_103031_3870 20230204_103040_0930

See also