đȘŽ JachĂ©re
Dark mode
Light mode
29 Days Later
A new year's update
A post at the end of summer vacation
Amphetamins and the multi-species discourse
Another Proposal Sketch
Autumn â Mid-Semester
Axes of Translation
Bold statements
Case studies
ChatGPT for expanding and compressing text
Close Reading the VICE Source Code
Collected Notes 2024 Week 19
Collected Notes 2024 Week 20
Collected Notes 2024 Week 27
Collected Notes 2024 Week 28
Collected Notes 2024-02
Collected Notes 2024-05
Collected Notes 2024-07
Collected Notes 2024-09
Collected Notes 2024-10
Collected Notes 2024-11
Collected Notes 2024-16
Computing with limits
Corpus, corpora and visual methodologies
Critical Code Studies from Afar
December Adventure, but different
DHCH 2023, accuracy in visuality and the OpenRefine-Wikidata combo
Diss-Storming Session
Dissertation and Project Contemplation
Embodying Player Phenomenologies in Code. Also, Ludemes and Routines.
End of month post: January 2023
End of year, semester and work package 0
Everyday Life and Research
Fermenting fish, fermenting nuts
Festivals as transitional spaces
Five month later, more or less
From archival practices to game studies
From despair to relieve â Dealing with an ADHD meds fallout
Frustration, Conferences and Ludemes
Further reflecting metadata (and ontologies)
Grinding that paper
I'm a Mediocre Minigolf Player
IDR Colloquium Feedback on Exposé
Images in Social Media Research
Into the media^alps
It matters what code we write code with
It's summer time: readings, corpora and other updates
Journaling, Tasks, and Sourdough Rye Crispbread
Labour Day â Erster Mai
Looking back at the Games and Literature Conference
March Reflection on Dissertation Topic
May, when summer arrives
Memo on Videospiele by Jakob Birken
Metaphors and Theory
Midjourney's site of production
More embeddings and roasting my CPU
My research and writing workflow
Necronom and visual layouts as methodology
NIFFF, Let's Plays and Cluster Visualizations
Notes Week 29, 2024
Notes Week 34, 2024
On COMPOSTs, soil and gardening
On Concentration and Reading Practice
Perfect Days
Playing Alba the Relational Way
Post achievement practice
Post DHCH and towards easier days
Post-Summer â Pre-semester
Preserving 5.25 inch floppies and audio cassettes
Proposal Sketch
ReAnimate, Montréal, Multidisciplinarity, and Method
Reflecting Metadata
Some notes on organisation and journaling
Spring appreciation and catching up post
The Definitive Guide to ADHD Project Management
Thinking about Images and Software
Thinking through Metadata
Various Notes 2023
VICE and Voyant Tools
What is the video game image?
When did tinkering become programming?
Why would someone want to do that, voluntarily?
Working and Maintaining the Wiki
About Beavers
Aesthetics Of Beekeeping
Algae Futures
Alienation In Design
Analysing Visual Clusterings
Animism And The Question Of Power
Animism As Epistemological Interface
Animism In Design
Animistische Narrative
Anti Capitalist Fermentation
Artificial Companions for Emotional Support
Assembling a Video Game Screenshots Corpus
Bare Chested Men
Beziehung Relationship
Blinded by the Light
Care And Agency In Houseplants
Casio Alternative Circuit Board
Colonialism Role In Animism
Conceptualizing Programming
Critique on Distant Reading and Viewing
December Adventure 2024
Decolonizing Digital Humanities
Differentiation On The Non Human
Distant Reading The Vice Source Code
Distant Viewing Image Clustering of Video Games' Screenshots
Early Video Game Programming Practices
Electronics And Power Dynamics
Emotionally Durable Design
Exploring Human And More Than Human Relationships
Frictionless Design Und Objekt Mensch Beziehung
FĂŒnf Hacks fĂŒr ein Gutes Leben
Home Automation As A Frontier
Isometric Projection in older Video Games
Japan 2024
Laro TI-99_4A Ski
Laro's TI-994A Archive
Life As Ritual
Limited Resources As Design Framework
LLMs and Source Code
Ludische Resonanz
Magazine Covers From Afar
Marx Arbeit Entfremdung
Meditation On Object Value
Meine Beziehung Zum Animismus
My Octopus Teacher
Notes From Practice
On Agency
Own Your Data
Poetics Of Animism
Posthuman Man o' War and Bacterial Reappropriation
Practice Entanglement
Preserving Video Games as Cultural Heritage
Radical Animism And Design
Research through Making, Experiencing and Reflecting
Reworking Hyperlocality
Rezept Zur Situativen Faulheit
RPG As A Method
Rules, Mechanics, and Ludemes
Server on a Roach
Solar Sensitivities
Source Code Analysis in the Humanities
Speculative Realism In Ethnographic Methods
Technicity of Early Video Game Graphics Programming
Techno Animism
Technologische Artefakte Ohne Narrative
Thinking through AI
Translation Of Code Into Graphics
Video Game Image
Video Game Metadata And Ontologies
Video Game Releases And Ports
Video Games
Visuality of Early Video Game Graphics Programming
What Is A Good Life
What Makes A Collective
What makes a Video Game
Wie Wir Unsere Dinge Behandeln
Writing Practice
Zu Den Dingen Sprechen
7 tools for visualizing a codebase
100 Zeigerpflanzen: Das verraten sie ĂŒber den Boden
6502 Instruction Set
6502bench Tools
A 2024 Plea for Lean Software (with running code)
A Literate Assembly Language
A modest proposal to save the world
A painful lesson in Zen and the art of honeybee reverence
A pluriverse of local worlds: A review of Computing within Limits related terminology and practices Ă· Seventh Workshop on Computing within Limits 2021
A reader asks: âHave you heard of the TUTAC computer?â
A Short Hike reminds us to take joy in diversion
Aaru Data Preservation Suite
AIs should have the same ethical protections as animals
Amiga Machine Code Detour - Reverse Engineering
An Introduction to 6502 Assembly! | codeburst
Ancestral Computing for Sustainability: Centering Indigenous Epistemologies in Researching Computer Science Education | TechTrends
Appropriate Measures
Assembly In One Step
Authentic Mapo Tofu (éș»ć©è±è ) - Omnivore's Cookbook
Authentic Mapo Tofu éș»ć©è±è
Bees Living in Cities Are Building Their Homes with Plastic
Best Baba Ganoush
Best Baba Ganoush Recipe (Authentic Lebanese Eggplant Dip)
Bibliography â AG Spiele
blit - A small stack-based language for bit art
Blockchain-based systems are not what they say they are
blupi-games/smaky-legacy: Smaky legacy games
Breaking the NES for Shovel Knight
Bruder Berg und Schwester Schwein â Republik
Build a 6502 computer
Calling for a More-Than-Human Politics | by Anab Jain | Medium
Can Honeybees Teach Us How to Live? â SAPIENS
Can technology be humane?
Cardiac â Recreating an educational paper computer from 1968 â Johan von Konow
Care Tending Maintenance
Chashu Pork
Chashu Pork Recipe
Chili Crisp
Commodore PET 2001
compudanzas â uxn tutorial
Computers That Never Were | Hackaday
Confidence. Courage. Connection. Trust. Zine
Contra Chrome â a webcomic â How Google's browser became a threat to privacy and democracy
Cooking for the end of the world - MOLD :: Designing the Future of Food
Creative Computing Magazine (June 1981) Volume 07 Number 06 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Dance of the Honey Bee â Ellen Litwiller and Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder
Das Geheimnis der perfekten ZwetschgenwÀhe
davidviner.com: Commodore BASIC Program Lister
Designing Retro. Durch welche gestalterischen Mittel können klassische Videospiele in die Gegenwart geholt werden? | Spiel-Kultur-Wissenschaft
Designs for the Pluriverse
Digital Ruins and Critical Code Studies: Towards an Ethics of Historical Software Reconstruction
Disassembler - Wikipedia
Disassembler â C64-Wiki
Discussing bio-based material experiences with Elvin Karana
DIY Methods 2024
DIY Web Archiving
Do You Want AI to Be Conscious? - Nautilus
Easy 6502 by skilldrick
Encountering Trees â An Emergence Magazine Practice
Every bee videogame reviewed by accuracy â Molleindustria
Fermentation as Care - MOLD :: Designing the Future of Food
Fermentation in Post-antibiotic Worlds
Fermenting a revolution
Fermenting Culture â with David Zilber
Fermenting Revolution: Anti-Racism and Broader Social Struggles â The Activist History Review
File:Paper computer CGS.png - Wikimedia Commons
Find Out Your Soil Type | BBC Gardeners World Magazine
Finnegas â Emergence Magazine
Fixing to Die â Real Life
Floppy Disk Imaging - Tech Tangents
Fool Me Twice We Donât Get Fooled Again â Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Forest for the Trees â Real Life
Francesca Bria on Decentralisation, Sovereignty, and Web3
Fuck You And Die: An Oral History of Something Awful
Game Maker Avery Alder on the Mechanics of Care â Mask Magazine
Game Studies - âIf You Can See Something for its True Essenceâ: Exploring the Origins of the Personal Computer in TIS-100
Game Studies - Issue 2404, 2024
Game Studies - Unexceptional Consoles
Gaming the Iron Curtain
Genesis of a Microbial Skin â Beehives designed for urban environments â CreativeApplications.Net
GitHub - dirkwe/kicker: Kicker revival stuff - binaries, sources, articles ...
GitHub - joeycastillo/Sensor-Watch: A board replacement for the classic Casio F-91W wristwatch
GitHub - keirf/greaseweazle: Tools for accessing a floppy drive at the raw flux level
GitHub - lethal-guitar/Duke2Reconstructed: Reconstructed source code of the game Duke Nukem II
GitHub - slajerek/RetroDebugger: Retro Debugger is a multiplatform debugger APIs host for retro computers: C64 (Vice), Atari800 and NES (NestopiaUE).
GitHub - Stefano-Angelo-Rizzo/VideOWL: VideOWL is a video-game OWL ontology that has been structured in order to infer the genre of a title taking advantage of the powerful HermiT reasoner.
Golem.de: IT-News fĂŒr Profis
Hacking the terrorist timepiece - Interaction Magic
Handy Mnemonics: The Five-Fingered Memory Machine
Home | nand2tetris
Home |ĂÂ VJ
How to Build an Origami Computer | Quanta Magazine
Hunt the Wumpus - Wikipedia
HxC2001 : HxC Floppy Emulator download
In conversation with Studio Drift
Indigenous Pedology (SOIL SCIENCE) with Dr. Lydia Jennings â alie ward
Inside the mind of a bee is a hive of sensory activity | Aeon Essays
Italian lentil tomato stew
JC64dis by Ice Team
Keep It Funky - Salt-Rising Bread Makes a Comeback
Keep It Funky: Salt-Rising Bread Makes a Comeback â THE BITTER SOUTHERNER
Landing the Nostromo
Learn Multi platform 6502 Assembly Programming... For Monsters!
Lemon potatoes
Lemon potatoes - Recipes | fooby.ch
LIMITS 2022 -- Workshop on Computing within Limits
Little Languages Are The Future Of Programming
Little man computer - Wikipedia
Living in the Relational Playworld
Low-technology: why sustainability doesnât have to depend on high-tech solutions
MAGADO dessinĂ© par MĆbius en 1999. â Ă©tienne mineur
Magic Numbers â Real Life
Making as an Act of Caring. My friend Deb Chachra wrote a great⊠| by Anab Jain | Medium
Mark Moxon's Software Archaeology
Matters of Activity
meristem â Emergence Magazine
Miesmuscheln an scharfer Tomatensauce
Miesmuscheln an scharfer Tomatensauce | Kochen
Mille-Feuille Nabe ăă«ăăŁăŒăŠé
Mille-Feuille Nabe ăă«ăăŁăŒăŠé âą Just One Cookbook
Money-Go-Round â Real Life
Moxie Marlinspike >> Blog >> My first impressions of web3
mschwartz/assembly-tutorial: Programming in assembly language tutorial
Natto Gohan Recipe
Natto Gohan Recipe | Saveur
Naturalâs Not in It â Real Life
New & Improved (& Easier) Chili Crisp - by Sohla El-Waylly
New Materialism
Nonhuman Nonsense: The Paradox of Anthropomorphism - Future Based
Notetaking for Historians - Doing History with Zotero and Obsidian
Obsolete, but not gone: The people who won't give up floppy disks
ORBi: Detailled Reference
PapĂrovĂœ poÄĂtaÄ CGS - Root.cz
Pauline - Documentation Utilisateur
Pirate Care - Pirate Care
Place Holder | Are.na Editorial
Planet Beehive â AHR
Poetic Approaches To Technology
Post-apocalyptic programming
potato and gochujang braised eggs
potato and gochujang braised eggs recipe | Ottolenghi Recipes
Programming with Cree# and Ancestral Code: Nehiyawewin Spirit Markings in an Artificial Brain
ProgramovĂœ poÄĂtaÄ a protihrĂĄÄ CGS â OldComp Wiki
project_alias - BjĂžrn Karmann
Prosperity Gospel â Real Life
Quince tarte Tatin Recipe
Quince tarte Tatin Recipe - David Lebovitz
Rapid urbanisation is stoking paranormal anxieties in China | Aeon Essays
Reconnected â Real Life
Reconstructing game footage from a Game Boy's memory bus - 37C3
Reddit - Dive into anything
Remoticon 2021 // Joey Castillo Teaches Old LCDs New Tricks | Hackaday
Reports of a Baleful Internet Are Greatly Exaggerated - Nautilus
Reverse engineering - Wikipedia
Rhizome > blog > After the Ruins: Transmediale 2020
Rise and grind: how âsigma malesâ are upturning the internet | Dazed
Rosy Poached Quince
Rosy Poached Quince - David Lebovitz
Routine Maintenance, by Meghan OâGieblyn
Sandor Katz and the Possibilities of a Queer Ferm⊠â Cuizine â Ărudit
SCUMM Revisited - Quick And Easy Software
Secrets of Math From the Bee Whisperer | Quanta Magazine
Sensor Watch
Sensor Watch | Crowd Supply
Small Zine Publishing
snake6502.asm · GitHub
Software archaeology - Wikipedia
Solar Protocol
St. Bride's: Silverwolf, The White Feather Cloak, & The Dogboy
Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media
Street Fighter II, paper trails
stuart walker design - stuart walker design
Susana Soares: BeeÂŽs / Project
technicity - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Techno-animism in Japan: Shinto Cosmograms, Actor-network Theory, and the Enabling Powers of Non-human Agencies
Tetracorp: Reverse-engineering Amiga games
The 1980s â Suzanne van Geuns
The 6502 CPU's overflow flag explained at the silicon level
The 6502 overflow flag explained mathematically
The Bee People: free e-book - Milkwood: permaculture courses, skills + stories
The Case Against Gameplay Loops
The Fairlight Intro
The Genesis of Technicity - Journal #82
the Intersection - Superflux
The Pirate Book
The Secret Games of St. Bride's
The Surprising, Overlooked Artistry of Fruit Stickers
The Ultimate SPC700 Talk - 37C3
The Understory â Robert Macfarlane
The Unnecessary Obscurity of Assembly Language
The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML â Terence Edenâs Blog
The Worrisome Rise of NFTs
Tirazain | ۷۱ۧŰČÙÙ
Trees Moss Mushrooms Lichen
Uncivilizing Digital Territories
Unknown Fields Division - Summer 2015 Lithium Dreams Expedition
User:Jean-Frédéric/Videogames data model - Wikidata
Video Game Studies
Vietnam's Low-tech Food System Takes Advantage of Decay | LOWâTECH MAGAZINE
Watch BEEWILDERED COMPANIONS Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo
Ways of Thinking Technicity I â Janna Joceli Omena
Ways of Thinking Technicity III â Janna Joceli Omena
WDR paper computer - Wikipedia
Week 2: Indigenous Programming (Main thread) â CCS Working Group 2020
Week Two: Indigenous Programming
Welcome | Minicube64
What can an embodied history of trees teach us about life? | Aeon Essays
What is the BBS Documentary?
What makes a tree a tree? | Knowable Magazine
When a Tree Says No
Wikidata talk:WikiProject Video games/Archive/2023 - Wikidata
With AI and DNA, Massive Attack are hacking a new kind of music | WIRED
Wittgenstein on Games - Part 1: Intro to His Life and Philosophy
Xenodesignerly Ways of Knowing Ă· Journal of Design and Science
Your Pretty Face is Going to Sell : Open Space
Zippy » Codetapper's Atari ST Site
Politicising Piracy
Aventura I
Ball Raider
Championship Shooting
Insanity Fight
Loop Hero
Poizone Annotated Source Code
Smaky Legacy Games
The Exit 8
The Neverending Story II
Acorn Archimedes
Aibo Funeral
Algorithmic Image
Analytical Engine
ARM Assembly
Atari Hot Mode
Being Goblin
Bidirectional Framing
Close Reading
Commodore 64
Companion Objects
Computational Image
Computer Vision
Computing Layers
Correspondence Analysis
Critical Code Analysis
Der Fetischcharakter der Ware und sein Geheimnis
Design Rhetoric
Digital Visual Cultures
Discourse Analysis
Distant Reading
Distant Viewing
Encoded Chauvinism
Ergodic Animage
FAIR And CARE Principles
FAVR+ Ontology
Field Notes
Game Space
Game World
Goût, Prise et Plis
Guru Meditation Error
Horror Game Politics Method
House Animism
I dream of a new age of curiosity
In Game Photography
Jack Kerouac On Writing
MDA Framework
MOS 6502 Assembly
Networked Image
Object-Oriented Ontology
Oral History
Paper Computer
Paper Shoji
Post Structuralism
Query Design
Screen Essentialism
Situated Knowledge
Software Archaeology
Software Design Pattern
Tamagotchi Cemeteries
Tech Paradigms
Technological determinism
Texts Paratexts And Blocks
TI-99 4A
Transversal Dataflow
Trials of Strength
Video Game Aesthetics
Visual Studies
Zine As Format
Access C64 Basic
Analyze Visual- And Design Rhetoric
Apply Thematic Analysis
Assemble an Aura
Bootstrap a Research and Writing Workflow
Create Text Outlines
Develop Note-Taking Habits
Do a Literature Review
Find Research Gap And Question
Have a Reading Practice
Method for Design Materialization
Organize your Knowledge
Publish from Obsidian
Tell a Story
Use Openrefine
Visit Japan
Write a Research Blog
A Hacker Manifesto
Additivist Cookbook
Against Purity
Albtraum Partizipation
Coding Freedom
Designing an Ecological Alexa
Designs for the Pluriverse
Emergenz digitaler Ăffentlichkeit. Die Sozialen Medien im Web 2.0., Stefan MĂŒller
Games Built the Computer
Land ganz nah - Benjamin von Wyl
Mushroom at the End of the World
Nonhuman intelligence
Notes on A technicity perspective to the practice of digital methods
Over her Dead Body - Notes
The Mushroom at the End of the World
The Posthuman
The Posthuman Thoughts
The rise of data and the death of politics
Trickster Makes this World
2025-01-03 Rye-Little Spelt Bread
2025-01-12 Rye-Rye-Little Spelt Bread
2025-01-23 Rye Meal Little Spelt
2025-02-08 Buckwheat Little Spelt
2025-02-15 Rye Meal Little Spelt Millet
2025-02-23 Rye Meal Little Spelt
Dandelion Soda
Easy Hoshigaki Dried Persimon
Fermented Cashew Spread
Make Miso
No Fold Sourdough
Root Fest
Rye Crispbread
Sourdough Starter
âMy Roomba Is Ramboâ: Intimate Home Appliances
A Multi-Species Etho-Ethnographic Approach to Filmmaking
A Pedestal, A Table, A Love Letter: Archaeologies of Gender in Videogame History
A Pixel is not a Little Square
A sensory approach for multispecies anthropology
About looking
Against purity: living ethically in compromised times
Animism: A Love Story for Longevity
Assembling Auras
Bad Habitus: Anthropology in the Age of the Multimodal
BASIC FTBALL and Computer Programming for All
Beyond the Margins: Intersectionality and Digital Humanities
Cartographic Visualization: An Assessment and Epistemological Review
Case Study: Necronom (Lunatic Software/Linel, 1991, Amiga)
Coding freedom: the ethics and aesthetics of hacking
Critical code studies
Cybertext: perspectives on ergodic literature
Design Rhetoric: Studying the Effects of Designed Objects
Designs for the Pluriverse
Detecting Collectable Resources on Computer Game Based on the Neural Network
Digital Footprint
Digitale Spiele und Geschichte: ein kurzer Leitfaden fĂŒr Student*innen, Forscher*innen und Geschichtsinteressierte
Distant viewing: analyzing large visual corpora
Exercices d'observation
Fun with Flat Fluids
Future Schlock
Game Studies - Game analysis: Developing a methodological toolkit for the qualitative study of games
Games Built the Computer: Babbage, Lovelace and the Dawn of the Ludic Age
Gaming the Iron Curtain â How Teenagers and Amateurs in Communist Czechoslovakia Claimed the Medium of Computer Games
Homebrew Gaming and the Beginnings of Vernacular Digitality
Homo ludens: a study of the play-element in culture
How to Blow Up a Pipeline Learning to Fight in a World on Fire.
How to Build a Low-tech Website?
Humanities Approaches to Graphical Display
Illusion als Versprechen
Into the universe of technical images
Introduction to game analysis
Keywords in sound
Library as Infrastructure
Listening after the animals: sound and pastoral care in the zoo
Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art
Machinic Animism
Making the Water Move: Techno-Historic Limits in the Game Aesthetics of Myst and Doom
Meaning, knowledge and artifacts, giving a voice to tacit knowledge
Multimodality: Reshaping Anthropology
On the quadrants of the thing-world relations: a critical revision of Hartmut Rosaâs resonance theory in terms of thing-world
Optische Medien: Berliner Vorlesung 1999
Parler le jeu vidĂ©o : Le ludĂšme comme unitĂ© minimale dâune grammaire vidĂ©oludiqueâ?
Participatory archive: Towards decentralised curation, radical user orientation, and broader contextualisation of records management
Permacomputing Aesthetics: Potential and Limits of Constraints in Computational Art, Design and Culture
Permacomputing Update 2021 | viznut
Posthumanism and Design
Provincializing Europe: postcolonial thought and historical difference
Questioning Acoustemology: an interview with Steven Feld
Relating to Things: Design, Technology and the Artificial
Sawt, Bodies, Species: Sonic Pluralism in Morocco
Screen Images. In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast
Screen Images. In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast
Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und ComputerarchÀologie
Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective
Software studies: a lexicon
Sound, Anthropology of
Source Code and Formal Analysis: A Hermeneutic Reading of Passage
Speculative everything: design, fiction, and social dreaming
Staying with the trouble: making kin in the Chthulucene
Teaming with microbes: The organic gardener's guide to the soil food web
The Anthropological Study of Infrastructure | Blay
The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance
The Ethnography of Infrastructure
The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
The Game FAVR: A Framework for the Analysis of Visual Representation in Video Games
The internet didn't kill CountercultureâYou just won't find it on Instagram
The Internet Will Be Decolonized
The philosophy of software
The role of aesthetics in understanding source code
The shape of data in the digital humanities
The Transnational and the Text-Searchable: Digitized Sources and the Shadows They Cast
There Is No Software
Through the Ludic Glass: Making Sense of Video Games as Algorithmic Spectacles
Toward a Dark Nature Recording
UI Components Recognition System Based On Image Understanding
Unfolding the future: Prototypes as epistemic objects in innovation and collaboration work
Vibrant matter: a political ecology of things
Video Game Spaces: Image, Play, and Structure in 3D Worlds
View of Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media | First Monday
Visual methodologies: an introduction to researching with visual materials
When Caleb Gets A Call
When toys come to life: Considering the internet of toys from an animistic design perspective
Wie werden aus Spuren Daten, und wie verhalten sich Daten zu Fakten?t
Your computer is on fire - Chapters 1 and 2
Jan 23, 2025
1 min read
Swiss Games Garden