Video Game Releases And Ports

In regards to the Confoederatio Ludens corpus, there are video games that were published in the same year, but for different systems. For example:

  • The Champ
  • [[1990)](db/games/The Neverending Story II (1990|The Neverending Story II (1990)]].md)

While being perceived or marketed as the same game, their source code must differ a lot, since the different systems had massively different capabilities. Especially the Amiga was better of in terms of multimedia. But, the releases also often shared some code, for example if the system was based on the same microchip architecture.

Ports go pretty much into the same direction, but I have the hunch, that ports were often done by different people and organisations, then the original developers. An interesting case is Wipeout 2097, where Samo Jordan did the port to Amiga.