Rye Cripsbread

I love myself a proper Knäckebröd and rye crispbread is the cusp of this bread-genre. My goto recipe is https://www.nordickitchenstories.co.uk/2017/11/02/swedish-crispbread-knackebrod-recipe/. The only difference is, that I ferment my dough longer, for up to 16h. My sourdough is spelt-based and usually takes a moment or two to accustomize to the rye. I copied the ingredients here and all you have to do is to mix the stuff, let it ferment for 8-16h and then have your cripsbread no thicker then 1-2mm. Bake it once for 8-10min at 200°C, and a second time for 20min at 100°C.

  • 300 g Dark Rye Flour
  • 100 g Wholemeal Spelt Flour
  • 190-230 g Water (I find 200g water perfect if I use a rye sourdough starter)
  • 60 g Rye Starter (100% hydration), discard is perfect for this (or 1/2tsp Fast Action Yeast)
  • 6 g Fine Sea Salt
  • 1 Tbls Runny Honey
  • 1 generous tsp caraway (optional)

I also use a bit more sourdough starter, like 100g and caraway is never optional. I love that stuff. The aesthetics are not the best yet, and I have to work a bit on form and colour. But, they taste damn good …