The Ethnography of Infrastructure

  • What exactly must be studied in order to study infrastructure?

Theorizing System development across time and space

  • Invisibility
  • Dependence on human practices
  • Modularity (one piece of infrastructure is never really under the control of one single actant)
  • Standardization
  • Momentum

Some Notes

Infrastructure Properties

  • Embeddedness
  • Transparency
  • Reach or scope
  • Learned as part of membership
  • Links with conventions of practice
  • Embodiment of standards
  • Built on an installed base
  • Becomes visible upon breakdown
  • Is fixed in modular increments, not all at once or globally

Tricks of the trade

  • Identifying master narratives and “others”
  • Surfacing invisible work
  • Paradoxes of infrastructure

Reading information infrastructure

  • as a material artifact (physical and pragmatic properties)
  • as a trace or record of activities (information collecting device, assistant and cultural artifact)
  • as a veridical representation of the world