Meaning, knowledge and artifacts, giving a voice to tacit knowledge


“In this view, technical artifacts and humans exist as nodes in networks of relations. By realizing the agency of non-humans, we are able to see them not as simple intermediaries within networks of humans, but as mediators in the collective uncertainty management” (Bofylatos and Spyrou, 2017, p. 4423)

This part is relevant when proposing participation as a strategy of sustainability, through furthering accessibility of a prototypical artifact.

Seeing prototypes (prototypical artifacts) as assemblages is an interesting twist.

“Thus, the meaning of an artifact can be neither solely embodied by the artifact itself nor inside the assemblage to which it belongs, but it rather lies in all the possible practical or mental actions that the artifact is able to involve.” (Bofylatos and Spyrou, 2017, p. 4424)

Can this be adapted to knowledge? The knowledge bound to an artifact can neither be solely within nor without but resides in the relations we are able to spin up?obs

“The artifact – or more generally, every artificial reality in which we live – is thus to be conceived as a place where a “common mind” is shaped: a place of shared behavioural and cognitive habits, beliefs and opinions, compared and contrasted viewpoints or values, the place where shared meaning resides.” (Bofylatos and Spyrou, 2017, p. 4425)

(Bofylatos and Spyrou, 2017, p. 4425)