title: media^alps 2023 aliases:

  • media^alps 2023 created: 2024-05-21T09:55 updated: 2024-08-05T22:56 tags:
  • Chatbot
  • Python
  • Hacking
  • Programming-Practices
  • Log
  • Documentation
  • Workshop
  • Archives 2023


Our medium is text, a bot our mirror. A bit less poetically: we’ll attempt to create a chatbot, trained to speak like us. You will get an introduction to working with terminals, experience how it is to clean up raw data and our chatbots are coded with python. That means we will read and write a lot of text this weekend. You don’t need coding experience to participate. The goal is to gain insights in what it could mean, to work with code. You need to bring your own laptop.

Teach Reader

Mac, Windows and Linux

Windows (sorry…)


conda deactivate
conda create --name chatterbot-env python=3.8
conda activate chatterbot-env
pip install chatterbot==1.0.4 pytz


Terminal Showcase


Saturday I

  • Introduction
  • “Fun” with terminals
    • Fundamentals
      • man
      • history, ctrl + r
    • Navigate folder and files structures
      • pwd, ls, cd
      • relative and absolute path, invisible files
      • ., .., -, ~, /
      • [exercise] Explore a bit and see if you find your way around the places your usually hanging
    • Create, read and delete
      • touch, mkdir, open, cat, head, tail, rm (-r) !!!
      • [exercise] Create folder structure, some files, open and delete them
    • Move, Find and combine

      • cp, mv
      • [exercise] Find and cat over a folder structure I prepared.
    • System
      • top, kill
    • Fork Bomb for lunch
      • :(){ :|:& };:

Lunch Break

  • See if anybody needs tech support regarding wsl/cmder/conda

Saturday II


  • ?