Oral History

Notes Workshop July 2023

  • Strong relation to the people
  • transnational analysis
  • how to identify key players and bring that together
  • Trust! is very important
  • What are representative amounts of samples?
  • Memory bias & fallibility, as well as manipulation can be a problem
  • it’s important to balance the sample to not reproduce certain things
  • how to deal with legacy is an interesting question
  • Process of an oral history interview: preparing > conducting > analyse
  • Preparing
    • Spot someone relevant and get information
    • find the neutral-ish tone and then act like a mirror
    • a guide composed of themes, according to your situation
  • Conducting
    • Oral history is a negociation
    • again: build trust and set expectations
    1. Setting: where to do the interview. Look for environments that support the interview in different ways; at ease, materially relevant to questions. all settings are socially situated and contain power relations
    2. Material: Interview Guide, note material, recorder
    3. Conversation:
      • Researcher is a listener
      • the participant is the talker
    4. Ending the Interview
      • Saturation point ~1h
      • Follow-up
      • Write memo (context)
      • Transcribe asap
  • Open ended questions can also be overwhelming
  • “Interviews are like pancakes, the first one is always kind of wasted”
  • Analysing Interviews with GTM
    • focus on experience
    • new theories through indiction
    • parallel organisation of research
    • Coding interviews: Factual data and personal experience (of the participant)
    • Coding involves creating props and figuring out how to relate to each others