View of Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media | First Monday


Hochman, Nadav, and Lev Manovich. 2013. “View of Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the Local through Social Media | First Monday.” May 8, 2013.



Go to annotation “How are users’ experiences of production, sharing, and interaction with the media they create mediated by the interfaces of particular social media platforms? How can we use computational analysis and visualizations of the content of visual social media (e.g., user photos, as opposed to upload dates, locations, tags and other metadata) to study social and cultural patterns? How can we visualize this media on multiple spatial and temporal scales?” (“View of Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media | First Monday”, p. 1)


Go to annotation ““multi–scale reading.”” (“View of Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media | First Monday”, p. 4)

…interesting term, does it work for code as well?

Go to annotation “We respond to the key question of digital humanities – how to combine “distant reading” of patterns with “close reading” of particular artifacts – by proposing a multi–scale reading.” (“View of Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media | First Monday”, p. 5)

Already in this paper, Manovich goes about their corpus in an explorative way. Can this be problematic?

  • very incorrect use of a visualisation on p. 15
  • stated, but no reflection on that their data captures only a specific demographic and how it might have influenced their research