Plastic as posthuman reality interface. Plastic, embed in our surroundings, mediating experience of the environment, enabling interaction with the environment.
Oil as thanatophilic ontology. Oil, the driving product of the 21st century - born of the dead - accelerating death - a world out of plastic understood as disposable, always dying, never really living.
Imprecise oil Oil media, from vinyl via cassettes (and partly to cds) and 3d printed objects are prone to errors. Inherent glitches. Blurry, pixelated inscription. Oil media - black tar slur / silicon media - blue neon light speed.
Deep Time Plastic âirgendwelchen post-/nicht-menschlichen ArchĂ€o- oder Geologen eine rĂ€tselhafte Schicht Polymere, Thermoplaste, Elastomere finden und sich nach dessem Ursprung fragenâ - Daniel Could be a cthulhuesque story / Layers of oil replaced by layers of plastic
Plastic is life, life is plastic âdie Evolution beginnt das Plastik zu inkorporieren, so wie sich ein Einsiedlerkrebs auch jetzt schon mit einer Tupperdose vor Ă€usseren EinflĂÂŒssen schĂÂŒtztâ - Daniel How plastic replaces everything.