Ball Raider



  • Modes:: [Start Screen, Main Gameplay, Highscore Name Input, Highscore View]
  • All modes have the same ocularization and framing mechanism
  • Ocularization:: [External, Zero ergodic]
  • Framing mechanism:: [Anchorless, Fixed]

Formal elements

  • Not all screen estate is used?
  • Colours
    • Except for highscore screen, black background is used
    • Dominant colours:: [46.5017%|#000000FF, 10.4712%|#FED3B0FF, 10.4448%|#C96B4AFF, 9.7798%|#7C0304FF, 9.36823%|#F09C7BFF, 8.00938%|#570066FF, 4.59905%|#9202A1FF, 0.825709%|#5D432DFF]
  • Typography
    • Only uppercase letters are used, except for the “Please enter name:” string
    • Font does not contain diacritics. See Luem as example
    • Logo and highscore screen use same font
    • Numbers on highscore use their own font, but might be graphics
    • Rest of text uses the same font

Semantic elements

  • The backgrounds and the title screen are the most meaningful elements regarding a narrative. They all pertain to a sci-fi hero story. The start screen introduces a barbarian with sword, according to fantasy tropes of the time (80ies). The game backgrounds often show the same character, a space captain, in different situations: personal fighting, intergalatic action, space travel. One shows the captain rescuing a half-naked woman, a classic damsel in distress situation. Two of the backgrounds are difficult to related: a noble alien, looking down on us while holding a staff and a space-wizzard, floating in space surrounded by spheres.
  • Some of the backgrounds have clear references to fantasy or sci-fi elements and characters of the time: Spaceship Death Blossom from The Last Startfighter, Dolf Lundgren as He-Man in Masters of the Universe, style and clothing from the TV series V.
  • Agents:: [Paddle, Bricks]
  • Environments:: [Space, Planet surface, Commando deck of spaceship, Hyperspace]
  • Characters:: [Barbarian, Astronaut, Half-naked woman, Space captain, Noble alien, Wizzard, Rider on alien space-insect, Skull monster]
  • Objects:: [Spaceship Death Blossom from The Last Startfighter, Hexagonal space-station, Sphere, Sword]

See also