Sourdough starter

  • mix 1 part flour and 1 part water, any flour will do, for example 50g white flour and 50ml water
  • let rest in a dark and warm, not hot, spot
  • next day, add same amount of flour and water
  • repeat for a few days until you have a sourly smelly, maybe bubbly mass
  • trust your nose, if it smells funky but agreable, you’ve succeded
  • if you see something fuzzy (white, green, gray, etc), that’s mold, discard and start new

If, in this process, you have to much material, don’t discard it. Just make some easy flatbread. You should name your starter, and have a relationship with it. In a best case scenario you’ll be together for the rest of your life. I’ve got mine now for nine years (in 2023) and she is called Annina.

  • if you keep your starter outside, feed 1 part flour and 1 part water several times a week
  • if you keep your starter in the fridge, whatever… I forgot my starter for month and it was actually moldy on top. I just scraped that off and feed it and it’s alive and kicking. sometimes you’ll have black fluid collecting on top. That’s a kind of alcoholic by product. It’s not very tasty I found out…