Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie
Höltgen, Stefan, ed. Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing Und Computerarchäologie. Deutsche Erstausgabe, 1. Auflage. Retrotopia, Band 1. Winnenden: CSW-Verlag, 2014.
Die Emulation klassischer Computer
am Beispiel der Entwicklung des Commodore-Emulators »VICE«
- Go to annotation “Einführung” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 139)
- Go to annotation “Motivation” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 140)
- Go to annotation “Anforderungen an eine Emulation” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 142)
- Go to annotation “Arten der Emulationen” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 143)
- Go to annotation “Einführung des Emulators VICE” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 145)
- Go to annotation “Arbeitsweise eines Prozessors” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 146)
- Go to annotation “Arbeitsweise einer einfachen Prozessoremulation” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 149)
- Go to annotation “Emulation eines Timer-Chips” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 151)
- Go to annotation “Simulation versus Emulation” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 153)
- Go to annotation “Fazit” (“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 155)
- I have to admit that I don’t understand how the internals of the computer work in details. Even though I’m pretty comp-literate.
- Do I need to investigate Assembler? I need to get an overview what kind of languages were used in our game corpus.
Good example of the interpretation of Assembler through a emulated CPU
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(“Shift-Restore-Escape: Retrocomputing und Computerarchäologie”, 2014, p. 149)
- I was not aware of the importance of the internal clock and I’m quite fascinated by it. There is an Übersetzungsschwelle to be traversed here, since a physical clocking mechanism is bound to the laws of physics, which are hard and complex to translate into software.
- Where can I find these graphics and documentations that André Fachat uses in his article?